Gmail is the best platform for emailing, sharing attached file, important docs like images, videos and much more. But nowadays most of the people are facing the phishing scam issues.
What is phishing?
Phishing is an illegal technique which is basically done through email. In this technique, if someone, who is phishing any user he/she might send you an email that looks like so important for you like mail from a bank and so that you'll give them information about your bank.
Here in this blog, we provide some important tricks and tips for how user defend against phishing scam or secure their Gmail Account. These tips may be helpful for you to make your account more secure.
1. Use Password Alert extension:
First, you have to use Password Alert Extension for your domain by doing this password Alert automatically detects if user enters their password to another site.
2. Always use Unique Account Passwords:
Always use a different password for different account most of the people use the same password for many sites. Always trying to make hack-free password which is useful to keep yourself safe from phishing Attacks.
3. Use Strong Security Software:
Use Security Software is one of the best alternative methods to keep your account secure and safe or avoid the risk of a phishing scam to a greater extent.
4. Always avoid Suspicious Links:
Nowadays lots of mail arrive in Gmail account which is considered as a spam; always avoid that kind of email which you find something suspicious or not legal in your Gmail. In this way you will be able to prevent your account from Phishing Scam.
After following all these tips and tricks, unfortunately, if you are experiencing phishing scam then no need to worry, just do one thing call at Gmail Customer Service Number +1-800-815-9383. Here our Expert techies will provide you complete solution for your all kinds of query.
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