Kaspersky is one of the best antivirus programs. It is designed to protect user from virus, Trojans, malwares etc. There are so many updates done in Kaspersky program. But the new update (Kaspersky Anti-Virus Update April 25, 2017) is a special kind of update to install the various fixes and latest virus databases.
User continuously update antivirus database on regular basis for optimal and continuous protection for PC. To detect more complex virus user need to have the new virus definition file for KAN. That's why Kaspersky lab release new updates for Kaspersky regularly to keep pc protected from viruses and malicious program.
Kaspersky Lab offers antivirus solutions not only for detecting malware but other programs which are a threat such as:
-Remote administration programs
- Adware
- Utilities which can be used by malicious programs
There are two type of update available
1 Daily
2 Complete update
Daily - It contains all kind of modification which is released in current week. This is placed on the server. User should download daily.zip if user wants to update databases once in a week.
Complete update - This kind of update is useful when user not updated antivirus database from last two week. Then user downloads this file to update database.
New Kaspersky Anti-Virus
Update April 25, 2017 is licensed as Data only for the Windows OS.
In case if you need any support or you have any queries related to Kaspersky antivirus then contact Kaspersky Customer Support Phone Number @ 1-800-982-0436 (toll-free). Here, experts are waiting to answer you shortly and resolve all of your queries.