How To Deactivate Facebook Account
Facebook is a best social networking website which is used by almost all of the people due to its bundles and awesome feature. Basically, it is a best messaging App that allows you to connect with your near and dear one and share all kind of information by using this awesome platform. But we also know that each and everything has both positive and negative side. Sometimes you feel insecure over FB. Due to these all reasons a person wants to deactivate its Facebook account.
If you are one of them who wants to deactivate a Facebook account that you are at right place. Either you may contact to
Facebook customer support number or follow the given steps for best and easiest way to delete your account.
Follow These Steps to Deactivate Facebook Account:
1. Tap on the menu button at the top right corner of Facebook Page.
2. After clicking on menu> select Settings
3. Then Click on the Security option
4. Finally, choose to deactivate your account option and follow some steps to confirm it.
These are the steps which temporarily deactivate your account. If again you want to reactivate your account then log in with the same mail id or password then your account will be reactivated.
Remember, once you deactivate your Facebook account, you will not be visible to anyone until you reactivate it.
If you still feel like you are unable to perform any of the given steps or you need further support related to your account then feel free to contact 24x7 available
Facebook Phone Number @ +1-800-407-1322.